Who We Are?
Vikings of Vinland
Vinland is an organization of Modern Vikings whose members hail from many locations and is the main body of the The Vinland Army. We take seriously the spirit of the historical Vikings and we live to embody that spirit in the modern world.
Modern Vikings are warriors, artisans and explorers who spend our lives pursuing challenge, growth, victory and brotherhood. Coming from many cultures and belief systems, we set aside our differences and belong to something greater than ourselves. We strive to live up to–and are nourished by the central motto that makes us strong: Oath, Honor. Before Life. Though united by this powerful value, Vinland is first and foremost an army whose members are oathbound to the leaders above them.
Vinland is governed by the Jarl of Vinland. He swears an oath to his council, which includes the Jarlkona, and Hersir/ Hersirkona of each state/province.
His role is to bind together the different divisions of Vinland and lead them. Vinland is divided into Ríki (State or Province). Each Ríki is ruled by a Hersir or Hersirkona. They each sit on the Vinland Council. Each Ríki has its own culture and style, according to the Hersir/Hersirkona.
Each Ríki is organised into local groups, the Félag, (Old Norse: fellowships), each ruled by a Hirdman/Vǫlva.
A Félag consists of:
Fighters who train constantly on many weapons, and Hearth members who practice and research non-combat Viking crafts and activities including leatherworking, wood-carving, blacksmithing, farming, cooking, spinning, dyeing, weaving, and many other activities. Some refer to their Hearth as the Household.
Induction into a Félag is not quick or automatic. One must exhibit drive and dedication over a year to become a recruit, bring something to the group that makes us all better, and fit into the group socially.

The Texas region of Vinland is comprised of multiple groups spanning throughout the state. Vinland Texas Vikings is a 501 (c) (3) registered nonprofit organization who routinely displays living history encampments at local Renaissance Faires, schools and festivals looking for educational demos, Viking reenactment and steel combat demonstrations set in the Viking age. Formed in 2014 as the only living history organization in the state purely focused on full contact Eastern Style fighting and is currently the largest Viking Age living history organization in the US.
The regional Jarl over Vinland including Texas is Thomas Hansard. If you are interested in forming your own local group and want to learn more contact him here:

THE Vinland ARMY
The Vinland Army is a coalition of independent organizations dedicated to the highest standards in live steel combat, historical accuracy and attention to safety while maintaining a uniform army on the battlefield that is unmatched in tactics, formations and accurate weaponry used in the Viking Age.
Under the Vinland Army banner, we stand united on the battlefield. We take part in battlefield training and competitions with other Viking groups all around the world.

live steel full contact fighting

We fight with real steel weapons in unscripted full contact combat. There are 3 principle styles of combat within our organization. Western, Eastern and Show Fighting.
Western Style
Western style combat is tailored to the safety regulations instituted at many of the large re-enactment events that take place in Western Europe, such as at Moesgård and Trelleborg. With hundreds of fighters on the field at once, safety is of the utmost concern at these types of events, and so valid targets are limited to those areas of the body least likely to cause serious injury. Under this ruleset, strikes to the head and neck area, hands, feet, and lower legs are not allowed, with valid target areas being above the knees (including the groin), torso (minus direct blows to the spine), shoulders, and—depending on the event—sometimes the upper arms. Strikes are expected to be clean and decisive, but not forceful. Fighters train proper body mechanics for pulling blows and applying the proper amount of force for the style—blows should be strong enough that they are felt in the heat of combat, but not so strong as to cause injury.
Eastern style
Eastern style combat, like Western, is tailored to re-enactment events, but those that take place in Texas, and Eastern Europe, such as Wolin. Eastern style fighting represents a slight, but significant, expansion upon the boundaries laid out for Western style. In Eastern style combat, blows are full-strength, and strikes are allowed to the crown of the head (face, neck, and side of head are still disallowed out of safety concerns). As would be expected, some form of body protection and a helmet are required for sparring under the Eastern ruleset.
Show Fighting
Occasionally, Vinland is called upon to perform at various local festivals. Performances at these events require a special kind of combat that plays to the audience. The action remains unscripted and non-choreographed, but weapon strikes are exaggerated for theatric effect, and there is more weapon-to-weapon parrying and such than would be present in a true competitive sparring match (audiences love the sound of steel on steel!); this is done not only to increase audience enjoyment of the fight, but also to help fights last a bit longer. Training for show fights includes theatrical “kills”, telegraphing of large movements, and fighting at increased measure.

Living history / reenactment

We provide an educational medium used by living history museums, historic sites, heritage interpreters, and schools as a historical reenactment group to educate the public on Viking-age culture and society, such as clothing styles, pastimes and handicrafts, or to simply convey a sense of the everyday life of this time period.

authentic viking age structures and shelters

Vinland is welcoming to anyone who has an interest and a love for Viking history. We recreate what life was like in the Viking age. We welcome all ages, races, ethnicities, and genders.
No. As mentioned before, we welcome all people of all religious beliefs. Part of the Viking culture was strong belief in the Norse Gods and while we do learn and practice some of what the Vikings did, we are not a religious organization.
Absolutely not. Race plays no part in being a modern day Viking and love for living history. Vikings traded and merged with many cultures. We accept all and have no tolerance for ignorance within our organization.
No. You do not create a persona, have stats or leveling. You are yourself portraying an impression of what you would have looked like in a specific era and region within the Viking age based on historical and archeological records. We are creating daily life of the past in the present by performing reenactments or living history as modern day men and women.
In Texas we are located currently in Austin, San Antonio, Kerrville and Houston. Each city has weekly trainings, please see our events section for further details on attending or contact us on our Facebook page. If you are interested in forming a prospective group please contact Thomas Hansard at thomas@vinlandtexas.com to discuss details.